FOLEY, Alabama -- Plans are beginning to come together for a 500-acre entertainment development and city sports complex that could generate more than $100 million in annual sales and employ nearly 3,000 people in Lower Alabama. If everything falls into place, developers Continue Reading
Gulf Shores Welcomes Acme Oyster House – Unveils Waterway Village Development
On Wednesday, Gulf Shores Mayor Robert Craft and members of the City Council officially welcomed Acme Oyster House® and unveiled plans for a development they say will create increased sustainable economic opportunities while helping to restore and revitalize a once thriving Continue Reading
Gulf Shores Named One of America’s 10 Best Beach Towns for Families
Parents magazine has named America's 10 Best Beach Towns. Whether you're looking for a day trip destination or a weeklong respite, Parents' list provides the perfect combo of land and sea. This summer, Parents has designated family vacation hotspots that deliver all the Continue Reading
Gulf Shores’ Airport Lands Low-Cost Start-up Carrier Southern Airways Express (Updated)
GULF SHORES, Alabama - Memphis, Tenn.-based Southern Airways Express will soon begin flying out of Jack Edwards National Airport in Gulf Shores, featuring daily, non-stop service to and from Memphis, New Orleans and Birmingham. Stan Little, the start-up airline's chairman Continue Reading
Home for Sale in Exclusive Neighborhood
You will want to delete this before advertising your website. Sed et venenatis ante! Curabitur dapibus lorem vel erat sagittis semper. Aliquam sit amet nisl sem! Aenean adipiscing pharetra augue, sed pulvinar augue tempus ut. Duis suscipit lorem vel porta luctus. Nulla Continue Reading
Fort Morgan Market Spring Update 2011
I hope this note finds you well and that you are seeing a bit of an upturn in your economic environment. It has been a while since we last sent you news from Alabama's Gulf Coast and I would like to give you the news as I see it. There is a lot going on in our area. I Continue Reading
Real Estate Improving in the Area
The real estate market on Alabama's Gulf Coast is seeing significant improvement. 2010 started off to be a come-back year and the oil spill shut us down. There has been 'great' progress on cleaning up our beaches andAlabama's sugar white beaches are more beautiful than ever. Continue Reading
Incidental Take Permit (ITP) Update
I have been talking with Darren LeBlanc of U.S. Fish & Wildlife this month about the status of the permits that are in his possession. Darren started off by saying he hasn't heard back from the regional office (Atlanta) but had contacted them to spur them along. What has Continue Reading
Beach Mouse Permitting – Batch V – Closing Out 5-29-09
U.S. Fish & Wildlife closed out the Beach Mouse Permitting process on May 29, 2009 for Batch V. Everyone who wanted to get an ITP (Incidental Take Permit) for vacant land had to have their information and application turned in to U.S. Fish & Wildlife by the 29th of Continue Reading
Fort Morgan & Gulf Coast News – November/December
It has been a while since you've seen a News Letter from me and I thought the 4th Quarter of 2008 was a good time to share some news about our real estate market with you. Our market has seen some great change over the past couple of years and we have really taken some hits Continue Reading